The S3M Doctoral School Day (Sciences of Matter, Molecules, and Materials) (JED) returns in Rennes on Thursday, 25th of May, 2023!

The theme of this year's JED is entitled "Assembly, Structure, and Organization: towards molecular and materials science." Current innovations are made by creating complex objects, whether molecules, supramolecules, or nanoparticles, with specific properties for applications in health, industry, or everyday life.

Come and present your research work carried out as part of your thesis and discover the projects of other Ph.D. students. You can show your work in a poster (A0 format), in an oral communication of 15 min (12 min + 3 min of questions), or a flash communication of 3 min (3 support slides) + 1 question. You must write your slides or poster in English, and we highly encourage you to make your presentation in English as well.

Of course, you can also come without doing an oral communication or showing a poster.

Prizes will be awarded to the best presentations by a jury of professors and researchers from the ED laboratories.

As a reminder, to validate your doctoral credits, you are required to attend two JED S3M with at least one contribution (poster or presentation). Priority will be given to third-year participants who have not yet to make a mandatory contribution.

Lunch and coffee breaks will be covered by the S3M doctoral school.

For PhD students coming from outside Rennes, transport by the SNCF will be covered as well as accommodation for 1 night.

Participants must send the abstracts for the oral communications or posters to before 24/04/2023.

Inscriptions are obligatory for everyone who would like to participate actively or not during the event and must be done through this site before 24/04/2023.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us ( or the managers of ED S3M (;


You'll find here the Booklet of the day :

Booklet JED S3M RENNES 2023

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